I am back, man but in a hurry, going away for the next few days but I never forget what I’ ve say and it’s my blog, Man. Can’t do that, right?
Okay, let’s discuss a chart of a person who managed to turn S$240 milllions into US$2.7 Billions about S$6 billions in twenty years period. (sounds like the San Yuan Cycle in Feng Shui, ha-ha…) I would not discuss Bruce Lee chart as I am already bored by it but not him.

His date of birth: 13th January 1917. Time, figure it out yourself, I got it.
Here we go,
A story of how US$300 milliion became US$2.7 Billion started.
‘Mr.Khoo Teck Puat . He was 87 and largely immobile. Many afternoons he could be seen having lunch in the lounge of Singapore's Goodwood Park Hotel. Why this hotel? (Because he owned it, reminds me of Billionaire Mr. Li Ka Shing of Hongkong who shifted to a Mountain in the recent years. Goodwood Park is located in a higher terrain along the Orchard or Shopping Belt in Singapore.)
There's nothing too unusual about that. Mr. Khoo was not the only ageing overseas entrepreneur to own a couple of hotels. What did mark him out as exceptional was his ownership of the largest stake in Standard Chartered Bank worldwide, his 13.45 per cent being worth around $US2.7 billion ($A3.6 billion).
The road that took Khoo to be the biggest shareholder in one of the world's great banks is a remarkable tale.
Favorable month and year pillars in Birth chart?
His father, Khoo Yang Thin, had stakes in several Hokkien banks that later amalgamated to form Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC Bank) in 1933. Mr Khoo's first job was as a bank clerk in OCBC.
In 1959 Ji Hai Year, Luck Pillar Yi Si, he established the Malayan Banking Corporation in Malaya. The bank grew rapidly, but in 1966, Bing Wu Year, Luck Pillar also Bing Wu, rumours that he had channelled its funds to his own interests led to a run on the bank.
He was ousted in the wash-up. He was close to the then Sultan of Brunei, Omar Ali Saifuddien III (the current Sultan's father), who in 1965, Yi Si Year had given him permission to establish the National Bank of Brunei.
This became his new focus of attention. Khoo sought to draw members of the Brunei royal family into the bank's ownership so that he could leverage its operations on their name. The royal family's stake reportedly grew as high as 30 per cent stake. Khoo held the remainder. Khoo was able to capitalise on his links to Sultan Omar and play a prominent role in the sultanate's private sector in the 1970s and 1980s.
However, as the only bank domiciled in Brunei, the National Bank was not subject to the prudential supervision that it might have been elsewhere. Its status was vague and many outside Brunei believed (incorrectly) that it had sovereign or government backing
Mr. Khoo borrowed heavily from it to expand his portfolio of other businesses outside Brunei. One of these was the Southern Pacific Hotel chain in Australia.
Bing Yin Year 1986 Luck Pillar Wu Shen
‘In 1986, Khoo's friend and protector, the former Sultan Omar, died . His son Sultan Hassanal hired investigators from the US to examine the National Bank's finances. Its chronic exposure to Khoo's companies was revealed and the Brunei Government closed it down.
Meanwhile, in 1986 an opportunity arose when as a white knight, Khoo made a dramatic acquisition of a 5% stake in Standard Chartered Bank. He subsequently grew his stake to almost 15% to become the single largest shareholder with Hong Kong shipping magnate Y.K. Pao and Perth's Robert Holmes a Court, Khoo acquired a 37 per cent stake in Standard Chartered to prevent a hostile takeover by Lloyds Bank.
The reclusive Singapore-based financier had became involved with the bank as he was invited to take a stake to rescue Standard Chartered from a hostile takeover from Lloyds Bank.
He later on took over more of the shares when Y K Pao and Robert Holmes a Court took profits by selling them to him. His stake rises from the original S$240 million to US300 million (you have to do the conversion yourself, ha-ha..)
In 1986, The yearly Heaven stem Bing Fire attempt to combine with the existing Bing Xin combination of water in the chart and breaks the combination. Water gone and not around to support weak wood Day Master. Water is his resources or elders when favourable. However, the Tai Sui Yin have a seasonal relationship with Mao and Chen for wood meaning he still have supports from peers and the other so called Rob Wealth. If you are wondering how the Bing can combine with Xin for Water, a tip, this is a special structure chart. Those who knows the Blindman technique and Da Liu Ren will knows what I am talking about.
Where Khoo's money came from for his stake is unclear but his participation came just after the Brunei Government had accused him of removing funds from the National Bank of Brunei.
Pao and Holmes a Court sold their stakes some time later. Khoo held on to his and watched it grow from less than $US300 million to $US2.7 billion today.
In November 1986, the Sultanate of Brunei arrested Khoo's oldest son, Khoo Ban Hock, and two (later three) accomplices and ultimately charged them with conspiracy related to Khoo's plundering of National Bank of Brunei, which he and his family controlled. Of total loans made by NBB in excess of 1 billion Brunei dollars (then approximately USD450 million), over 90% had been loaned to Khoo-controlled businesses with little or no security or documentation, and the bank's financial statements fell short of "true and fair." Despite expectations that he would make restitution and resolve the issue financially—his worth at the time was estimated in excess of USD1 billion and he continued to buy Standard Chartered shares in the ensuing six months while he allowed his son to rot in jail while playing cat and mouse with the Brunei government.
In the end, Khoo Ban Hock, his eldest son, did not escape so lightly. He was jailed for two years in Brunei for his role in illegally channelling almost $US600 million in loans from the bank to his father's other companies.’
The clash by the 1986 Tai Sui Yin on the Luck pillar of Shen(the son) in the chart?
Anyway, 2 years for Millions, well, isn’t it worth it?
Over the following years Standard Chartered remained a perpetually attractive takeover target for banks with Asian ambitions, but Khoo's presence protected its independence.
Now this chart is weak and do not favour Metal- his son, meaning he can’t get along well with his son. Does that means he don’t want his son? Well, slowly think about it and let me know, would ya?
An news excerpt:
‘On November 20, 1986, the banks chairman Khoo Ban Hock was arrested as was the external auditors, Andrew Paettie And Bernard Soo. Chin Ping Fang , NBB’s executive director, and three other signatories were arrested in Singapore and extradited to Brunei on November 25.’
How did the son(Chairman of the Bank) Metal end up being a favorable element so called Rob Wealth?
From Michael Backman, news writer,
'Khoo once tried to offload the stake himself. Around 1996, Khoo approached Malaysian entrepreneur Halim Saad, who then headed Malaysian infrastructure company Renong, to test whether Halim would be prepared to swap all or most of his stake in Renong for all or most of Khoo's stake in Standard Chartered.
Halim almost did but then pulled out at the last minute. It was the worst mistake he ever made.'
Now this is interesting, this happens before the 1997 financial crisis, did both Big players in the Asian financial market knew about it and Mr. Halim Saad backs out of the deal.
From wilkipedia:
'The Asian Financial Crisis was a period of financial crisis that gripped much of Asia beginning in July 1997, and raised fears of a worldwide economic meltdown due to financial contagion.
The crisis started in Thailand with the financial collapse of the Thai baht caused by the decision of the Thai government to float the baht, cutting its peg to the USD, after exhaustive efforts to support it in the face of a severe financial over extension that was in part real estate driven. At the time, Thailand had acquired a burden of foreign debt that made the country effectively bankrupt even before the collapse of its currency. As the crisis spread, most of Southeast Asia and Japan saw slumping currencies, devalued stock markets and other asset prices, and a precipitous rise in private debt.'
This was written in the Sunday Times in February 2004:
'Like most Singaporeans, hotel tycoon Khoo Teck Puat enjoyed his food.
During a family lunch yesterday, he was already planning his dinner. But he suffered a heart attack and did not get to dine at the Grand Shanghai restaurant at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel in Havelock Road.
The 86-year-old Mr Khoo, whose fortune was estimated to be nearly $5 billion, had complained of discomfort after lunch when he was at his Belmont Road bungalow yesterday afternoon.
He was admitted to Mount Elizabeth Hospital and died at 6.50pm.'
Time of Death : 2004 Jia Shen Year, Feb Bing Yin Month,24 Gui You day, xin you hour.
There' s a mention of heart attack and look at the chart and luck pillars, okay? while I' m tempoary away.
All-right, this will do for now, I will be back to fill in the missing blanks for bazi after my holiday breaks to explain further for my dear friend who had insisted that the equinoxes precession have changed the time and adjustments needs to be done for time in Chinese metaphysics. If you are able to derive the ZWDS chart by finding the missing hour pillar, you will see that time, Ehmm, have stood still. Ha-ha, pun intended. All the events and date of birth are documented.
By the way, Mr. Khoo was in the same era of the then PM Mr. Lee and Venerable Sek Hong Choon. Was the Seven Stars Robbery technique used in Goodwood Park Hotel for Feng Shui. '七星抢劫, 福贵三代.' And the Hotel Goodwood Park have never been sold while Mr. Khoo Teck Phuat was around. Does that reminds you of another house along Oxley Road? Now if time adjustments have to be made, would all this events be changed?
He leaves behind 14 children from two wives, both deceased, several sons and daughters-in-law, as well as a brood of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
'The man, whose net worth was estimated at $5 billion, used to say: 'In life, you have to have the luck, the timing and the aptitude.' - Singapore Business Times 26 Feb 2004
Does Timing sounds familiar?
Till-then, cheers.
Okay, more to come when I' m back.
I will try to edit with my notebook when I can meanwhile, its kind of messy, wait till I' m Back.: )