Monday, March 29, 2010

七星抢劫, 福贵三代.


'Seven Stars Robbery, Honor and Prosperity for Three Generations'

Ha-ha, I know you all will be bored by this.








I had skipped the conditions for this special chart as you can read from books.

Translations of the above paragraph subject to objections.

'Seven stars in a robbery is a Xuan Kong special category chart, this chart in Xuankong has a lot of controversy in the academic circles.There are, all kinds of theories about the seven stars robbery after another, but the real way to know how to activated this category of charts are very few and has to be passed on by teachers. Passed down theories of the seven stars of which were the most authentic way robbery method are both currently on the market by Master Shen Zu. In my opinion, feng shui master in Taiwan and Beijing, Mr. Zhong Yiming and Mr. Chuang and a few other masters know this true Dipper robbery division. Here, some people will describe the current use of the seven stars of the lower Yun robbery methods, Shen robbery, to talk about law's robbery. Why seven stars robbery is so appealing, it because it is a way of maintaining a house sheng qi for the three yun,180 years, the so called three Yun not defeated 三元不败. Some people who oppose this theory that the Xuan Kong, Wang Qi as that it can last only for twenty years,, in other words, this means after 20 or forty years we have lived in the house would have very bad feng shui, but look at the houses around us, some houses after seventy or eighty years are still good; Another example is the Royal palace (probably referring to the Ming dynasty and Ching Dynasty which last for hundreds of years), in accordance with the general understanding of each period is necessary as to a newly constructed twenty years in order to maintain wang qi, is not the case. Three periods of sixty years of robbery condition is to maintain an unbeaten application and where the robbery meanings is to bring the qi through the same (timeliness) together in the opposite way, turning hostility(untimely stars) into friendship strength(timely stars) on the upper, middle and lower three period interlinked and thus preserve the constant flow of Sheng Qi.'

《沈氏玄空学》一书作者认为七星打劫格局只存在于双星会坐与双星会向的星盘中,如七运的午山子向与子山午向。其它星盘无此格局。打劫的方法在《沈氏玄空学》内有真、假打劫之分,沈氏以当运乘旺的双星在离宫为真打劫,而且离宫、震宫、干宫内山向二星必须为一四七、二五八、三六九的数序才为真打劫;坎宫假打劫是指当运乘旺的双星会于坎宫时为假打劫,而且坎宫、巽宫、兑宫内山几二星必须为一四七、二五八、三六九的数序才称为假打劫,真打劫之效果大于假打劫。这是现在玄空界中运用最多的打劫方法之一。 离宫真打劫的来由主要是从卦象来推断的,因为北斗为帝星,而从卦象的角度去看,帝出乎于震(震宫),相见于离(离宫),战于干(干宫),所以沈称离宫打劫才是真打劫,而坎宫无此卦象称之为假打劫。沈氏的打劫法绝大多数是错误的,而沉氏所认为的城门诀其实是打劫运用的一部分,真正的城门诀沈并不知道。能悟出这么多已经非常了不起了。 沈氏并无师传,他的玄空学大门主要* 两本书来开启的,一本是章仲山的《宅断七十一例》另外一本是蒋大鸿的嫡传弟子姜汝皋的《从师随笔》。在《从师随笔》中有这样一段话:"我师在魏相国家得秘籍,诸法皆能了了,独北斗打劫法未载。故注天玉经不敢明载。一日告余,北斗打劫即离坎二卦是也。余穷思深究,知用坎者与巽兑成三般卦,用离者与干震成三般卦。再问之,仅谓:子可舆言道矣,思过其半矣。蒋在最后对弟子说这样理解离坎二宫打劫只是理解了一半,说明姜所理解得离坎二宫打劫并不是正确的,而沈所有的打劫理论都是建立在姜汝皋的打劫理论法上的。蒋告诉姜汝皋是理解过半,是因为姜汝皋理解了三般卦在打劫中发挥的作用,但是姜还没有理解离坎二宫随运变换原理 。





大家在实务中也许会遇见,旺山旺向其形势合局的坟宅而败的,也有上山下水不合局而发的,这是为什么呢?一是鱼眼通气、劫气到而发,一是鱼眼不通、劫气塞,空山水而败。所以这才是玄空学的最高作法,此是指整个玄空学,非指打劫是一种技法而言,是玄空学体系修为也。 其它门派之法,如心言用卦,沈氏会向,三合派七十二龙等,诸家理论皆不攻自破。大家不妨多研究一下“三运午山子向与丙山壬向”两局真打劫之飞星盘定局,可能会有所发现。《沈氏玄空学》所言北斗七星打劫法四十八局只有十九局正确,不正确的有二十九局,可想错误之多。我说得太多了,请大家见谅!


"凡是富贵悠久之地,均合打劫之理,打劫是父母三般卦五行流通的内在联系,并非父母三般卦之外有打劫的另一作法也。" 陈兄说的极是。一卦纯清说的是一元之气的收山出煞之法,用城门决是一类的做法(上元一二三、中元四五六、下元七八九,三般卦六十年,此为收旺气)。父母三般卦说的是本宫的星气流通运转之法(上、中元;中、下元,下、上元,此为越宫借气)。北斗七星打劫是八宫经起父母三般卦的星气流通运转之法(上中下三元,中下上三元、下上中三元,此为联宫劫气)。这是三种不同的做法,在实务中遇见不同的穴地,根据其具体山水形势,而立极施用不同的作法。耿兄:的一九之说,也是其理,凡立向用盘六十四卦,坐九必向一,坐二必向八此乃定理,这也是指明“离宫后“必以向合或坐合方能作用。吾从师近二十年,师初命其学三合,之后学翻卦,随后又学龙门八局,再是玄空飞星,诸家经典,包括二元八运的玄空六法,最后学心言六十四卦的易盘,(还没有学过路阴阳之法),周游风水理气一周后,产生了很多的看法,其实许多派别都有自己的道理,非是哪一门独家才正确或称正宗,只是学习之人没有融会贯通。在一个穴地,三合之法有它的用处,是第一步的认识分析实地山水结构的初步方法,随后就是先后天八卦的认定,再是三元玄空飞星的吊替,六法的运算,最后是六十四卦的消纳抽爻换象定线。并没有任何矛盾。所以我认为同道们不要排斥任何一派的理论,只是把它放在适当的时候运用,就会百试不爽。耿兄:问得最好的就是“有没有人知道或听说.所谓七星打劫之法.用不当或有不吉之事呢?” 吾师言过,是肯定有的。在父母三般卦中其结构为一四七、三六九、二五八,上元用一、中元用四,下元用七,乃星气正运,中元用四、下元用九,上元用一。下元用九、上元用一、中元用四。也就形成上元立极一四七的星气结构顺序。中元立极用四七一的星气结构顺序,下元则用七一四的星气结构顺序。天地人星气相兼为用才能星气流通,否则星气逆转,就犯了阴阳相兼杂气相混之病,其祸很大,所以综合星盘而研究飞星共盘,在三元九运中只有四十八局能合此顺序(非沈氏所指的四十八局)其它局均不能用此法,只能用一卦纯之法,不然星气不正,发祸更凶也。

比如立一运子山午向,能收贪中子气,能收巽中辰气,不能收兑中劫宫的申气,则可用,乃120年打劫的星气流通。如果能收贪中子气,不能收巽中辰气,能收兑中劫宫申气,则不能用此法,此为星气逆转,定然发祸。前者为子--辰,后则越元七流一的煞气合向,为祸是很大的。中元立子山午向,能收巽中辰气,能收兑中劫宫申气,则可用,乃120年打劫星气流通。如果能收巽中辰气,不能收兑中劫宫申气,能收上元贪中之子气,则不能用,此为星气逆元合向,则大凶也。其余类推,所以经四位起父母三般卦是有运行内在联系的,不可逆气也。在命理中有子辰合、申子合,而申辰则不合了,由于命理是平面的结构,所以可称拱,而地理是立体的,有斗柄立极之定点,则相合是有条件的。如果深研多年玄空学之朋友,通过上面的论述,也会悟出很多。请谅解我的直言。耿钲洲大大答:兄解释的真好.为近年老耿上网在我无常派理气中.分析的顶尖之一 。其实各派各法本无冲突.均各有所用.诀同名异而矣 。

Ha-ha, don't panic, I am not switching to being a chinese fengshui blog.

Interestingly, happen to see this discussions over the net and reminds me of a house I had audited in Johor Bahru, Malaysia two months ago and a very satisfied owner who had just insisted on giving me a very big angpow or what you call windfall a few days ago. I would be back with a translation from this discussion of the Seven Stars Robbery in Xuan Kong Flying Star on a website.

Something wrong with the picture for 7 stars robbery? Ha-ha, I will be BACK....

Mmmm, this translation would give me something temporary to do until next month.
Our MM Lee of Singapore, had set a good example a few years ago engaging a personal tutor to upgrade his already proficient Mandarin.

Till-then, cheers.

I'm BACK, ha-ha....

Too lazy to do any translation, here is one interesting titbit's from Master Ken Lai Blog:

The Bazi of the below model:

Brother Sharp from China, a mentally ill homeless man that become a overnight celebrity catwalk MODEL,

Three Earths Penalty.

His Year Pillar: Bing Chen

Month Pillar: Wu Xu

Day Pillar: Yi Wei

Ten Year Pillar : Xin Chou

Father and wife died in traffic accident in 2009 Ji Chou.

Lost contact with family 3 years later after he became a migrant worker in 2000.

He had been roaming around the street of Ningbao city, Zhejiang Province for years.

In early March of this year, someone took his picture and posted it on the web. The rest is fashion history.

Courtesy of Master Ken Lai

Look at how ordinary he looks after he reunites with his remaining relatives. With no family and on the street, he looks so different and cool. Argh, just when I had gone clean shaven and try to quit smoking!!!

Please double click on the video if no response as my storage capacity is down.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Is this a Show?

Thought of sharing this with you.

I Like this picture very much posted by my friend, Psychic-Medium Emma Phaneuf on Facebook. Picture courtesy of Kenchen Lama whom I have just invited to be my friend on Facebook.

As usual, can't think of anything to write and start to copy from somewhere else, courtesy from my Honourable friend, Ren88, posted in the forum on Singapore Fengshui Centre..

Posted: Feb 26 2010, 07:42 PM

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Hi Ivaniwjs, Jogan and All,

Thank You for your reply.

Last year is a very bad year for him.
Almost lose a fortune if not for his wife intervention.

Recently he is diagnosed with vertigo and his wife is really worried about it.

Could it be that earth ( Ji Chou ) is very unfavorable for him?
Or could it be the fu yin of LP and DP taking effect?
Or both?

With Respect,

Posted: Mar 11 2010, 06:48 AM

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Hi Don, Ivaniwjs and All,

My apology for being careless about the gregorian date, I should have check it first.

Should be:
DOB: Gregorian Date = November 16, 1954


Hope I got the correct chart

With Honor and Respect,

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Hi all,

If based on lunar birthdate and the latest gregorian date given by Ren, this would be a strong Bing H3 Zi E1 daymaster. Regardless of the two possible hour pillar. However, bad news is EARTH is bad for a strong daymaster for this particular chart. Why?

I would be back after my self proclaimed holidays. I decided to name the coming Ching Ming festival as my official holidays this year, ha-ha....


Posted: Mar 22 2010, 07:52 PM

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QUOTE (leegiat @ Mar 21 2010, 09:00 PM)

Hi Senior Leegiat,

Thanks for your reply. I'm honored.


If based on lunar birthdate and the latest gregorian date given by Ren, this would be a strong Bing H3 Zi E1 daymaster. Regardless of the two possible hour pillar. However, bad news is EARTH is bad for a strong daymaster for this particular chart. Why?

Will be very eager to wait for your reply.

How do you observe Ching Ming in Singapore? ( I'm just curious about Ching Ming )

We observe Ching Ming by offering food and flowers to our beloved 10 days before or after the actual Ching Ming day. And definitely not one day before the actual Ching Ming day.

With Honor and Respect,

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Hi all,

Hi Ren,

An enlightened master ever ask me upon coming across a devotee asking what he thinks of the Buddha statue he have: 'Is it nice? I spent so much money on it'

Master:' What do you think? Where is Buddha?'

Me:' It is in my Heart, Master...'

Regardless of any religion.....

OOOooo, By the way, I am not that HOLY, I was enlightened by another master on the answer, ha-ha....

Why is Earth bad for this strong Bing Fire Daymaster?

End of the posting tempoary, to be carried on from there.

Till when I have something to write about, cheers.

Dedicated to my EX and my son with her, Vincent (ha-ha, same name as my mentor, he picked it himself). My Bazi Chart Clash (克) His Bazi Chart.

Ha-ha, which one? Let u all see another photo of him alone the next time....

Learning chinese meanwhile, ha-ha..

Just A Show....

Well, a story first if you are here....

The Lion and the Mime

One day an out-of-work mime is visiting the zoo and attempts to earn some money as a street performer.

However, as soon as he starts to draw a crowd, the zookeeper grabs him and drags him into his office.

The zookeeper explains to the mime that the zoo's most popular attraction, a gorilla, has died suddenly. The keeper fears that attendance at the zoo will fall off. He offers the mime a job to dress up as the gorilla until they can get another one. The mime accepts.

The next morning, before the crowd arrives, the mime puts on the gorilla suit and enters the cage. He discovers that it's a great job. He can sleep all he wants, play and make fun of people and he draws bigger crowds than he ever did as a mime.

However, eventually the crowds tire of him and he gets bored just swinging on tires. He begins to notice that the people are paying more attention to the lion in the cage next to his.

Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he climbs to the top of his cage, crawls across a partition, and dangles from the top to the lion's cage. Of course, this makes the lion furious, but the crowd loves it.

At the end of the day the zookeeper comes and gives the mime a raise for being such a good attraction as a gorilla.

Well, this goes on for some time. The mime keeps taunting the lion, the crowds grow larger, and his salary keeps going up. Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the furious lion, he slips and falls. The mime is terrified. The lion gathers itself and prepares to pounce. The mime is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage with the lion close behind.

Finally, the mime starts screaming and yelling, "Help, Help me!", but the lion is quick and pounces.

The mime soon finds himself flat on his back looking up at the angry lion and the lion says, "Shut up you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?"

Ha-ha, will be back, can't think of anything else to write....


Thursday, March 18, 2010

What is a Religion?

Too Bad, I am a Strong Daymaster, don't need Friends.

Ha-ha, just kidding.....

To my friends or amigos,

Tienes un amigo

When you're down and troubled
and you need a helping hand
and nothing, whoa nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
and soon I will be there
to brighten up even your darkest nights.

You just call out my name,
and you know wherever I am
I'll come running, oh yeah baby
to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall,
all you have to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend.

If the sky above you
should turn dark and full of clouds
and that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together and call my name out loud
and soon I will be knocking upon your door.

You just call out my name and you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer or fall
all you got to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?
People can be so cold.
They'll hurt you and desert you.
Well they'll take your soul if you let them.
Oh yeah, but don't you let them.

You've got a friend.

Till-then, cheers.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Eight Mansions

Ha-ha, its not I m getting spaced out......

Okay, with complaints that I ve not been putting up any metaphysics article lately, here is one with a story.

Educating the common people on fengshui.

In the past in feudal China, fengshui was meant for the rich and not the common people unless they happened to have the affinity to meet a master. Most of the time, metaphysics are divided into 2 groups, the fortune teller and the walk the dragon groups, ha-ha…..

About the placing of the stove in Ba Zhai Fengshui (Eight Mansions)

It is common sense that the stove was deemed important in the fengshui of a house in olden days. This is the area where a person well-being depends on. One of the Earlier Bazhai Theory by a school bought up by fscrazee or Master Hung HC which he disagreed on was the stove to be placed in an inauspicious gua of the house and which I agreed with him. It is akin to putting the stove in a waste disposal area to do your cooking.

Our present style of high-rise living would have put us on par with the fairies to these ancient scholars. The ideal of having a kitchen up in the sky would not be something they can comprehend. In the past, fengshui is applied to landed property and even if they have structure of 2, 3 storeys, the kitchen would still be allocated on the ground floor. Imagine the inconveniences if otherwise with the technology at that time. As the stove is so called landed, placing it in a more auspicious area of the house gua makes more sense on tapping the beneficial underground qi.

However with our moden living, it is not unusual for these ancient masters to envisage their theory to being applied for twentieth century when they formulate it. The mouth or the area of the stove where air goes in to expediate burning of the wood or whatever is logical in having it face a auspicious direction. However with new age fengshui of having the knob of the oven facing a auspicious direction to tap the beneficial qi is not to my taste as I can’t see how the knob can connect to energy or nice smelling air to make the food delicious. Though I would agree the direction of having your back protected when you are cooking makes more sense to me, i.e. you can see sideway when you are cooking and not having someone steals up to tap on to your shoulder in goodwill causing you to put more soy sauce or salt into your dish.

Anyway, for newbies, please remember that for house gua for the West or East groups house regardless of whether you belong to West groups or East Gua groups, maximise the beneficial four areas and do not based it on the Ming gua or the life gua of the person.

Yawn, a story before I go.

3001 A Ba Zhai Odyssey

On Board the RCSS captained by Dr.Spook approaching a new planet,

Mother Computer: ‘Announcing the landing time on Nebula V in an hour for EMT (Earth measured time)’

Dr. Spook: ‘Inform the Water Wind experts, Ehmm, I meant the geophysics teams to standby to analyse landforms dragon, oops, I means topography.’

Ah Hai, :’ Ah Hai and Team from Planet Earth reporting.’

Dr. Spook:’ Okay, have you anything to report at the moment’

Ah Hai: ‘I have nothing, sir, only a complaint’

Dr. Spook: ‘What’s the problem?’

Ah Hai: ‘ I had told the maintenance team to locate the kitchen in the Sheng Q Area before we launch off from Planet Earth two months ago and the idiots put it in a Wu Gui Area. And you can see that we have been having an increase of sick personnel for the last one month’

Joel, a financial executive officer : ‘Oh no, another of those Classical guys.’

Dr. Spook: ‘Please kindly rephrase your complaint for the benefits of the rest of our personnel not from Earth’

Ah Hai switching to his Inter interpret com.

Ah Hai: ‘The kitchen is supposed to be retrofitted to the left of the spacecraft next to our movie lounge so that after a nice meal, we can relax to watch a movie and not at the back next to the nuclear reactor in the area of the engine room causing radiation to get into our food.’

Joel, thinking to himself:’ Yap, those idiots also have no sense of direction, causes a lot of inconveniences for me and my beloved Ivy after candlelight dinner making me to go one big round when I want to go to my quarters for some romantics, kinky….’

Dr. Spook:’ Okay, noted. I will get them to relocate the kitchen once we have landed and I will give them a demerit point’

Ah Hai mumbling to himself: ‘What the%@#! Just a demerit point and no point scored when I have spent so much of my time in research.’

Dr. Spook:’ Team B, anything to report’

Gillian and her team B, trained from Catch the Dragon Institute of Great China, Earth. They are mainly natives from the large planet Jupiter from the Solar System, able to understand the intricacy of Gravity and composition of the atmosphere better because of the instability of their home planet. By the way, they have four legs similar to those Pi Xiu you see in Ancient China because of the instability of the magnetic field of Planet Jupiter. It is believed that they must have come to Earth thousands of years ago and mingle among earthlings disguised.

Gillian: ‘ Sir, we are analysing the behaviour of the planet on the Great Nine Stars theory and find that there is a possible volcanic eruption around VX1234 activated by the Lian Zhen or Fire Star from the Nearby Constellation in a week’s time( EMT).’

Ha-ha, to be continued…….


Friday, March 12, 2010

Destiny 2

From wikipedia:

Baboons are terrestrial (ground dwelling) and are found in open savannah, open woodland and hills across Africa. Their diet is omnivorous, but mostly vegetarian; yet they eat insects and occasionally prey on fish, shellfish, hares, birds, vervet monkeys, and small antelopes.[8] They are foragers and are active at irregular times throughout the day and night. They can raid human dwellings and in South Africa they have been known to prey on sheep and goats.

Their principal predators are man, the lion, both the spotted and striped hyenas and the leopard for babies, although they are tough prey for a leopard and large males will often confront them by flashing their eyelids, showing their teeth by yawning, making gestures, and chasing after the intruder/predator.


Thursday, March 11, 2010



To err is human, to forgive is also human but, it is not in the policy......

Problem is Sometimes we don't.......

Ooooooo, WENDY


Had a nice lunch with my mentor, Master Vincent Koh, wife Nancy and promising fengshui architect, Anita today. Ah Master Howard Choy (A Fengshui Architect), if only you are around…….

Mentor: ‘Don’t be too complacent when in good luck cycle, all it needs is just a Sometimes when the bad luck cycle starts.’

Me: ‘ Woooosh’

For once my dear Yi Jing didn’t spoilt my day.

Thank you sooooo much, YJ. Ha-ha….


Sunday, March 7, 2010


Couldn't get to sleep properly with the boiling temperature here in Singapore the last few days. Even with the air-con on at full blast, it's no use. Put a few cans of beer in the freezer to get the ice cold feel. While waiting, thought I might as well blog. In case, you are wondering what' s that picture, it's a dog or is it? which bring us to a question in Life:

Who am I?

A Story.

The Little Turtle

A little turtle begins to climb a tree slowly. After long hours of effort, he reaches the top, jumps into the air waving his front legs, until he crashes heavily into the ground with a hard knock on his shell.

After recovering his consciousness, he starts to climb the tree again, jumps again, and knocks the ground heavily again.

The little turtle persisted again and again while a couple of birds sitting at the edge of a branch, watched the turtle with pain. Suddenly the female bird says to the male,

"Dear, I think it's time to tell our little turtle he is adopted."



Friday, March 5, 2010

A Better Man?

Why Not?

HA-HA, if you are here.....

Thursday, March 4, 2010



Could'nt sleep, surf and saw this this interesting conversation between newbies about Fengshui Masters on a homeowners forum. This is one that kept me amused and arrgh, I still could'nt go to sleep.

View Member Profile Feb 17 2010, 05:52 PM Post #486

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QUOTE (Honeygal @ Feb 17 2010, 03:57 PM)
Anyone has used Vin Leo before? Have read his website and his technique seems most credible. his approach is identical to that used by the popular Mr Chang (well, it appears to me to be identical!).

Have surfed through this thread and only come across 1 post from someone saying the wait is 4 months Vin's fs audit and that he is so bz that he does not personally respond to emails anymore. This guy guarantees results it seems. Any feedback please?

One of my friend in biz tried before. According to him, the guarantee was never honoured. My friend was fuming that his call was not returned also.
Ditto next

Rachel Tan
View Member Profile Feb 25 2010, 12:05 AM Post #497


Group: Commercial Companies
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Member No.: 23804

QUOTE (Susan28 @ Feb 17 2010, 05:52 PM)
One of my friend in biz tried before. According to him, the guarantee was never honoured. My friend was fuming that his call was not returned also.

Hi Susan,

My name is Rachel Tan and I am working with F**** P********* INC. as administrator and coordinator. It is the Chinese Metaphysics firm of Vin Leo & Zoe Foo. Please can you write to me which friend of your did we not honour a guarantee? As far as we know, no outstanding guarantee is running at this moment as ALL has been honoured. FYI, this guarantee is only extended to CHAIN Stores for Retail or F&B.

**Portion of posting removed, advertisting**

It is also NOT true that we do not return calls or the wait is that long. Not doubt the consultants are busy but we conduct ourselves in a professional manner as like any other professional consultancy. Also, it is NOT true that we do not do residential projects. It is just that we are highly sort after for infrastructures and larger projects. Hence, the consultants tend to write about these projects.

Susan, please do write to us as we are sure this can be easily verified.
Thank you for your kind attention.

(Moderator: if citing our site and to clarify our procedure are against forum rules, pls let me know. I will amend the information. Thank you!)

Kind Regards,
Reason for edit: Portion of posting removed, advertisting.

(Obviously can be seen, advertising is still required although supposed to be infuriated)

Rachel Tan
View Member Profile Mar 1 2010, 04:58 PM Post #501


Group: Commercial Companies
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Joined: 24-February 10
Member No.: 23804

Noted Moderator on the edit of my previous post. Apologies that I didn't comply to your forum rules.

Susan, we have not received your response by pm or email. We will assume it is wronged identity on your directed comment. Please do comment responsibly in future.

Thank you very much!

This post has been edited by Rachel Tan: Mar 1 2010, 04:58 PM


Moderator, : ( Now the deed have been done, it' s not too late to apologises.



View Member Profile Mar 1 2010, 11:30 PM Post #502

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I'm too busy for such trivial matters. You can always PM me for my email contact if you need more information. I have the freedom of speech to relate what my friend has told me. Who do you think you are to jump to a conclusion and question my intergrity? Is that the way your company teach you how to tell customers off??(IMG:style_emoticons/default/excl.gif)

Oops, end of interchange.

Cheers, well back to surfing again.....